Online Marketing and Distribution: Usability der E-Commerce Website
Literatur in Deutsch
Adelmeyer, Michael, Beinke, Jan Heinrich, Walterbusch, Marc, Gameiro, Ricardo Ramos, König, Peter, und Teuteberg, Frank, [2016], „Eye-Tracking zur Untersuchung von Vertrauenssignalen auf Webseiten von Cloud Computing-Anbietern“, Seite 883-896, in: Heinrich C. Mayr, Martin Pinzger (Hrsg.), INFORMATIK 2016, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2016.
Alexander, Kerstin, Stechert, Lisa und Rhode Veronika, [2016], “Leichte Sprache und Typografie – Ein Usability-Test zur Erkennbarkeit und Lesbarkeit ausgewählter Schriftarten“, 31. Jan., 2016.
Wie wichtig leichte Lesbarkeit und Erkennbarkeit des gedruckten Textes ist, haben die Autorinnen sehr plastisch dadurch demonstriert, dass sie ironischerweise eine Textfarbe gewählt haben (ganz schwaches Grau auf grauem Hintergrund), die das Lesen extrem erschwert und sehr unangenehm macht.
Ewert, Christoph und Mühe, Vera, [2017], „Eye-Tracking-Analyse – Die Erfolgsfaktoren eines nutzerfreundlichen Onlineshops“, markeZin Karlsruher Marketing-Fachschrift, Heft 8, Seite 4 – 16, 2017.
Grotlüschen, Anke and Riekmann, Wibke, (Eds.), [2012], Funktionaler Analphabetismus in Deutschland – Ergebnisse der ersten leo. – Level-One Studie, Waxmann, Münster / New York / München / Berlin, 2012.
Hansch, Pierre und Rentschler, Christian, [2012], Emotion@Web: Emotionale Websites durch Bewegtbild und Sound-Design,, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Keseling, Sebastian, [2006], Alternative Softwarekonzepte zur Aufmerksamkeitsanalyse bei Usability-Tests, Diplomarbeit im Studiengang Softwaretechnik am Studiendepartment Informatik der Fakultät Technik und Informatik der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg, Januar 2006.
Mandić, Kristijan, [2016], Lesbarkeits- und Wahrnehmungsuntersuchung von gedruckten Bedienungsanleitungen mittels Einsatz von mobilem Eye-Tracking, Bachelorthesis, Fakultät 05: Versorgungs- und Gebäudetechnik, Verfahrenstechnik Papier und Verpackung, Druck- und Medientechnik, Fachgebiet: Technische Redaktion und Kommunikation, Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften München, 2016.
Nauth, Danny, [2012], Durch die Augen meines Kunden: Praxishandbuch für Usability Tests mit einem Eyetracking System, Diplomica Verlag, 2012.
Alaçam, Özge and Dalcı Mustafa, [2009], “A Usability Study of WebMaps with Eye Tracking Tool: The Effects of Iconic Representation of Information”, in: J.A. Jacko (Ed.): Human-Computer Interaction, Part I, HCII 2009, LNCS 5610, pp. 12–21, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009.
Aldi, Federica, [2015], Exploring the relevant factors influencing usability of the online booking process on individual hotel websites applying the eye tracking method – The case of three four-star hotels in the city of Lugano (Switzerland), Master Thesis, Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Faculties of Economics and Communication Sciences, Master in international tourism, Feb. 2015.
Bergstrom, Jennifer Romano und Schall, Andrew, [2014], Eye Tracking in User Experience Design, Elsevier, 2014.
Bergstrom, Jennifer C. Romano, Olmsted-Hawala, Erica L. and Jans, Matt E., [2013], “Age-Related Differences in Eye Tracking and Usability Performance: Website Usability for Older Adults”, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 29, No. 8, pp. 541-548, 2013.
Bojko, Agnieszka, [2005], “Eye Tracking in User Experience Testing: How to Make the Most of It”, Proceedings of the UPA 2005 Conference, January 2005.
Bojko, Agnieszka and Adamczyk, Kristin A., [2010], “More than Just Eye Candy – Top Ten Misconceptions about Eye Tracking”, User Experience, Volume 9, Issue 3, 3rd Quarter 2010,
Bojko, Aga, [2013], Eye Tracking the User Experience: A Practical Guide to Research, Rosenfeld Media, 2013.
Borsci, Simone, [2013], Computer Systems Experiences of Users with and Without Disabilities: An Evaluation Guide for Professionals, Rehabilitation Science in Practice Series, CRC Press Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, 2013.
Chun, Young Ji, [2014], Age-Related Visual Behavior and Search Strategies for Web-Based Information with Applications to Internet Telemedicine Systems, Dissertation, Industrial Engineering, Texas Tech University, December 2014.
Dahal, Sisrjana, [2011], “Eyes Don’t Lie: Understanding Users‘ First Impressions on Website Design Using Eye Tracking”, Master Arbeit, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2011.
de Bruin, Jhani Adré, [2014], Automated Usability Analysis and Visualisation of Eye Tracking Data, Master Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, April 2014.
Djamasbi, S., Siegel, Tullis, T., [2011], “Visual Hierarchy and Viewing Behavior: An Eye Tracking Study,” in Human-Computer Interaction, Design and Development Approaches, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, (6761:2011), pp. 331-340.
Djamasbi, S., Siegel, M., Tullis, T., and Dai, R., [2010], “Efficiency, Trust, and Visual Appeal: Usability Testing through Eye Tracking,” in Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS), Computer Society Press, pp. 1-10, 2010.
Djamasbi, Soussan, McAuliffe, Dan, Gomez, Wilmann, Kardzhaliyski, Georgi Liu, Wan and Frank, Oglesby, [2014], “Designing for Success: Creating Business Value with Mobile User Experience (UX)”, in: Nah, Fiona Fui-Hoon, (eds.), [2014], HCI in Business: First International Conference, HCIB 2014, Held as Part of HCI International 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2014, Proceedings, pp. 299-306, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8527 Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Djamasbi, Soussan, Rochford, John, DaBoll-Lavoie, Abigail, Greff, Tyler, Lally, Jennifer and McAvoy, Kayla, [2016], “Text Simplification and User Experience”, in: International Conference on Augmented Cognition, pp. 285-295, Springer International Publishing, July 2016.
Djamasbi, Soussan, Siegel, Marisa and Tullis, Tom, [2010], “Generation Y, web design, and eye tracking”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 68, Issue 5, pp. 307-323, May 2010.
Ebner, Natalie C., He, Yi, and Johnson, Marcia K., [2011], “Age and Emotion Affect How We Look at a Face: Visual Scan Patterns Differ for Own-Age versus Other-Age Emotional Faces”, Cognition & Emotion, Volume 25, No. 6, 2011.
Eisenberg, Bryan E., von Tivadar, Quato und Davis, Lisa T., [2008], Always Be Testing – The Complete Guide to Google™ Website Optimizer, Wiley and Sons, 2008.
Email, Ashok Sivaji and Ahmad, Wan Fatimah Wa, [2014],“Benefits of Complementing Eye-Tracking Analysis with Think Aloud Protocol in a Multilingual Country with High Power Distance (Hofstede’s)”, in: Horsley, Mike, Eliot, Matt, Knight, Bruce Allen, and Reilly, Ronan, (eds.), [2014], Current Trends in Eye Tracking Research, pp. 267-278, Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Fukuda, Ryoko and Bubb, Heiner, [2003], “Eye tracking study on Web-use: Comparison between younger and elderly users in case of search task with electronic timetable service”, PsychNology Journal, Volume 1, Number 3, pp. 202- 228, 2003.
Goldberg, Joseph H. and Wichansky, Anna M., [2002], “Eye Tracking in Usability Evaluation: A Practitioner’s Guide”, Whitepaper, March 2002, Oracle Corporation Advanced User Interfaces 500 Oracle Parkway MS 2op2 Redwood Shores, CA 9406, then to appear in: Hyönä, J., Radach, R. and Deubel, H., (Hrsg.), [2002], The Mind’s Eyes: Cognitive and Applied Aspects of Eye Movements, Elsevier Science, Oxford, 2002.
Goward, Chris, [2013], You Should Test That: Conversion Optimization for More Leads, Sales and Profit or The Art and Science of Optimized Marketing, 2013.
Harper, Allen V.R., [2015], Eye Tracking and Performance Evaluation Automatic Detection of User Outcomes, Department of Computer Science, The City University of New York Graduate Center, July 2015.
Hwang, Yoon Min and Lee, Kun Chang, [2015], “How does Consumers’ Emotion Affect Visual Attention Patterns in Online Shopping Environments? – Emphasis on Eye-Tracking Approach,” Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Management, Marketing and Finances (MMF ’15), Seoul, South Korea September 5-7, 2015, Creativity Science Research Institute, SKKU Business School Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October, 2015.
Jabeen, Farrukh, [2010], Eye Tracking in Web Usability: What Users Really See, Master Thesis, Computer Science Program, California State University Channel Islands, October, 2010.
Kuisma, Jarmo, [2015], Consumer Perception of Online Advertising – The Effects of Animation, Ad Characteristics, Repetition and Task Relevancy on Attention and Memory, Doctoral Dissertation, School of Business, Department of Marketing, Aalto University, Finland, November 2015.
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Maskeliunas, Rytis and Raudonis, Vidas, [2016], “Are you ashamed? Can a gaze tracker tell?”, PeerJ Computer Scioience, Seite 1-22, 2016.
Miyamoto, Daisuke, Blanc, Gregory and Kadobayashi, Youki, [2015], “Eye Can Tell: On the Correlation between Eye Movement and Phishing Identification”, Working Paper, The University of Tokyo, 2015.
Schneps, Matthew H., Thomson, Jenny M., Sonnert, Gerhard, Pomplun, Marc, Chen, Chen and Heffner-Wong, Amanda, [2013], “Shorter Lines Facilitate Reading in Those Who Struggle”, PLoS ONE, Vol. 8, Issue 8, pp. 1-16, August 2013.
Simola, Jaana, [2001], Investigating online reading with eye tracking and EEG: The influence of text format, reading task and parafoveal stimuli on reading processes, Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Psychology, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland, December 2011.
Strandvall, Tommy, [2009], “Retrospective Think Aloud and Eye Tracking – Comparing the value of different cues when using the retrospective think aloud method in web usability testing”, September, 2009 Whitepaper by Tobii Technology, 2009.
Tullis, Thomas S., [2007], “Older Adults and the Web: Lessons Learned from EyeTracking”, Conference Paper, July 2007.
Tzanidou, Ekaterini, [2005], Evaluating Usability of E-commerce Sites by Tracking Eye Movements, The Open University, Faculty of Maths and Computing, Department of Computing, Doctoral Dissertation for Human Computer Interaction, December, 2005.